These courses are offered as part of our partnership with Shakti Womans’ Refuge Trust and are offered exclusively to their clients and employees. See here to learn about professional development workshops offered to the public.

Partner Organisation Services: Training For Shakti Clients

Women Empowerment – Life Skills Programme

Life Skills Programme is a programme for Shakti clients to engage with and become aware of essential life topics. delivered in weekly sessions. The course is provided for women survivors of domestic violence in weekly sessions for the 8 week semester either via virtual or face to face facilitator based sessions. On completion women survivors come out with clarity of their individual study, work or recovery goals to set their future pathways. 

Digital Literacy Education Course

Computer literacy course is delivered by a trained facilitator to a group of at least 10 learners for 30 hours over 8 to 10 sessions. The option to purchase refurbished devices at a reasonable cost of $60 encourages the learner to further their technology learning. This is provided in both community based groups or women survivor groups. 

Women Survivor Training 

Domestic Violence Awareness (DVA) training part 1 covers the different types of abuse and its impact on the health and wellbeing of women and young people. Part 2 discusses the way to deal with short and long term impacts of abuse. Overall it brings shared knowledge of harm and self care to the victims and family, including young people. 

Partner Organisation Services: Training For Shakti Employees And Contractors- Social Workers , Counsellor And Other Social Service Management Staff

Domestic Violence Awareness (DVA)

Duration | 3 Days
Cost | $75 NZD per person, Free for Shakti Staff and Volunteer
Facilitator | Farida Sultana

Aim | To train professional or student social workers, case workers, counsellors, and youth workers, community members, survivors, NGO’s and governmental organisations, who want to understand child abuse, women abuse and elder abuse in Asian, Middle Eastern and African perspectives. 

Outcome | Learners understand the dynamics of domestic violence within Asian, African and Middle Eastern communities. Traditionally domestic violence and abuse is hidden and unrecognised.

Training content | Understanding power and control pyramid (how capitalism, colonisation, post colonisation affects social fabric of the society). Oppression, sexism, homophobia, economic inequality, patriarchy and religion have direct effects on domestic violence. Gender based violence, types of violence and abuse and how it affects women and children.

Work Ready Training 

Duration | 10 Days
Cost | Free for Shakti staff
Facilitator | Farida Sultana

Aim | To understand the basics of abuse and domestic violence and classify different types of abuse

Outcome | The learner will be able to classify symptoms of abuse and domestic violence.

Training content | Introduction to different types of abuse. Learning the different categories of domestic violence. 

Case Management (Training for Case Workers and Social Worker)

Duration | 7 days
Cost | Free for Shakti Staff
Facilitator | Farida Sultana

Aim | To identify immediate risk and potential risks. To understand communication and response strategies for different agencies. 

Outcome | The learner will learn the definition of case management and identify two major forms of risk handling techniques. Detailed learning of guidelines of crisis response during immediate risk of safety. 

Content | Types of risks, how to be safe working with agencies, definition of crisis management and guidelines to crisis response during immediate risk of safety. 

Advocacy and Legal Advocacy Training

Duration | 3 Days
Cost | Free for Shakti staff
Facilitator | Farida Sultana plus guest speaker

Aim | To learn the role of an advocate and understand guidelines for advocates. 

Outcome | To understand the actual role of advocates in intervention services during case handling. 

Contents | The role of the advocate for women and children effected by domestic violence i.e leadership and empowerment. Guidelines for advocates for women in refuge situations to ensure proper support and empowerment.