SDETAT offers a range of continual professional development workshops for a range of professions and organisations. To inquire about a group course, or to book a session for your organisation, contact us.

Cross Cultural Case Management Training

Duration | 1 Day
Cost | $75 NZD per person
Facilitator | Dr Selina Akhtar

Aim | To increase awareness for professionals in the social work sector in the diverse global community 

Outcome | To understand clientele and develop the ability to act more adequately in case management. 

Cross Cultural Training for Social Worker and Counsellors

Duration | 1 Day
Cost | $75 NZD per person
Facilitator | Dr Selina Akhtar

Aim | To bring cross cultural awareness into the practice. 

Outcome | To promote cross cultural needs within the sector of social service especially domestic and family violence.

Strangulation (How to work with women survivors)

Duration | 1 Day
Cost | $75 NZD per person
Facilitator | Rob Veale

Aim | To highlight strangulation as a part of domestic violence. 

Outcome | Social workers and counsellors will have tools and knowledge to deal with strangulation cases as a part of domestic violence abuse. 

Feminism and Intersectional Feminism 

Duration | 1 Day
Cost | $75 NZD per person
Facilitator | Guest speaker

Aim | To increase gender equality and understanding how feminism relates to diversity

Outcome | To bring feminism into conversations regarding cultural communities. 

Domestic Violence Impacts on Mental Wellbeing 

Duration | 1 Day
Cost | $75 NZD per person
Facilitator | Dr Debbie Hager

Aim | To highlight the detrimental impact domestic violence has on mental health

Outcome | Professionals will be able to provide emotional support for victims of domestic violence more adequately

Non-profit Organisation Management (Training for senior and middle management)

Duration | 3 Days ( 3 workshops)
Cost | $75 NZD per person per day (group of 4 discounted to $250 a day)
Facilitator | Paul Siulepa (MBA), Farida Sultana (MBA) and Marion Edward (MBA)

Aim | To provide skills and tools for optimum management of non-profit organisations.

Outcome | Adequate tools and information for human resource management, strategic and service delivery management, working with funding and community networks 

Indigenous Culture and Worldview in Management

Duration | 1 Day
Cost | $75 NZD per person
Facilitator | Marion Edward (MBA)

Aim | To learn the perspective of global communities and indigenous cultures, cultural communication methods and governance and managing indigenous organisations. Understanding your community. 

Outcome | Understanding of culture and utilising the strength of your community and your origins. Sharing how culture affects management styles locally and globally. To understand community management, governance including finance, funding and risk management. Aligning your culture in the digital world. 

Te Tiriti O Waitangi – Treaty of Waitangi 

Duration | 1 Day
Cost | $75 NZD per person
Facilitator | Marion Edward (MBA)

Aim | To understand and learn the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi. To provide perspective of the Te Tiriti O Waitangi document, its origin and its implications.

Outcome | To gain background, history and understanding of Te Tiriti O Waitangi . 

Domestic Violence Awareness (DVA)

Duration | 3 Days
Cost | $75 NZD per person, Free for Shakti Staff and Volunteer
Facilitator | Farida Sultana

Aim | To train professional or student social workers, case workers, counsellors, and youth workers, community members, survivors, NGO’s and governmental organisations, who want to understand child abuse, women abuse and elder abuse in Asian, Middle Eastern and African perspectives. 

Outcome | Learners understand the dynamics of domestic violence within Asian, African and Middle Eastern communities. Traditionally domestic violence and abuse is hidden and unrecognised.

Training content | Understanding power and control pyramid (how capitalism, colonisation, post colonisation affects social fabric of the society). Oppression, sexism, homophobia, economic inequality, patriarchy and religion have direct effects on domestic violence. Gender based violence, types of violence and abuse and how it affects women and children.